

Sixth6tone (Chris Sebastian) is a Malaysian self-taught artist who specialises in creating visual experiences through art. Having absolutely no art background, he started his journey back in March of 2020 and has not looked back since. Only learning though Youtube and Google searches, he found his passion in art which ultimately became a career. His style of art mainly spans the themes of surrealism, futuristic and fantasy.

What three words would you use to describe your style?

Surreal, Fantasy, Futuristic.

Who are your creative influences?

There are many different influences that impact my creativity, and it is not necessarily just from a person. I often find music, day to day experiences, experiences of others, movies and many more that play a huge role in inspiring my creativity. There are many different artists out there who has influenced my creativity as well such as Beeple, Stuz0r and VisualDon just to name a few. To me, creative influence can come from anywhere and at any given time. I would say generally music and movies are some of the biggest places i get my inspirations from simple because both these outlets evoke feeling which is what I want my art to do as well.


How do you use technology to enhance your practice?

Technology is a huge part in creating any form of digital art regardless of its artworks or visuals. I feelthat tech is needed for this line of work the most and as technology advances, so does the ability ofartists to create bigger and better things almost seamlessly. From the various software we use (Blender,Unreal Engine, Cinema4D etc) to all other aspects needed to create artwork is done with the help oftechnology. As technological advances, the meticulous steps that was once needed now because so much quicker and easier. It truly allows the artist to fully express their creativity without having to dogo through slower paced steps that ultimately slows down the creating process. Personally, for me asa Blender user, i am huge fan of using add-ons/plugins. These have helped speed up the creativeprocess tenfold. Even with AI, this new technology in the art scene has helped me come up withstoryboards and concepts way quicker then I was able to do it before which is a huge help. Ultimately,as technologies advances so does the ability to freely create with barely any interruptions in thecreative process.

What role does music play in your work?

Music has definitely played a tremendous role in my process of making art. As many would know, musichas the ability to make you feel certain emotions and because of this, I am constantly listening to musicwhile I create because I want to translate that emotion I feel into my art. As someone who works withvarious musicians, there is no better feeling creating artwork or visuals to a song and seeing itseamlessly flow together.


What are you currently working on?

I currently have several exciting ongoing projects for different musicians. The goal of each project is to bring an impactful visual experience that enhances the music for the viewer and listener. At the same time, I do have many different personal projects that I hope to achieve by the end of the year.

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